Why We Need Vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced in our skin when we expose it to outdoor sunlight. But now-a-days we live and work indoor. In addition, Scotland’s position high in the northern hemisphere means for six months each year, the sun doesn’t provide the Scottish people with enough Vitamin D to keep them healthy.
Traditionally our population ate lots of fish, supplementing sun-starved winters with Vitamin D, but in the modern day we don’t eat much fish, and we live indoors away from the sun.

This website does not sell Vitamin D, or indeed fish! It has been set up by medical experts and practitioners, who wish to inform the people of Scotland about the need for increased Vitamin D consumption. From other interested doctors to mothers and families, we invite you to learn more and to join the discussions on twitter or facebook.

Health Benefits

In the past, Vitamin D was only known to be important to bones and muscles. Enough vitamin D means good calcium absorption and a feedback mechanism via parathyroid hormone regulates bone health. In the last 10-20 years, however, research has demonstrated that Vitamin D is vital to the body’s immune system, and today we know that we need more Vitamin D than previously thought. It was found that vitamin D receptors are in most body tissues, influencing local cell biochemistry, but also the switching on or off of hundreds of genes.

Studies have demonstrated Vitamin D’s effectiveness in preventing conditions from colds to cancers, and our immune system can only do it’s best work, when our Vitamin D levels are sufficiently high. Simply put, sufficient levels of Vitamin D give the body greater capabilities to fight off infections, repair tissues and normalise many interactions in cell biochemistry.

A good supply of vitamin D also seems to be vitally important for healthy development of the brain of a baby in the mother’s womb. MS, autism, ADHD and other conditions seem to be related. Even adults’ brain health is influenced by sufficient vitamin D supply.

It is now generally accepted by physicians and scientists that a Vitamin D blood level of 75 nmol/l or above should be maintained for optimal health. Healthy people living outdoors close to the equator have blood levels around 115 nmol/l, but sadly in Scotland, more than 80% of people fall below the world wide current 50 nmol/l recommended minimum.

Here is Helga being interviewed by Elizabeth in August 2015.

You can learn more about individual health issues throughout this area of our website, and find out how to measure and increase your own Vitamin D level in our Where To Get Vitamin D section.

Minimal Risk

Vitamin D is produced naturally in the human body from the absorption of ultraviolet sunlight (UVB). There are obvious risks of skin cancer from receiving too much sunlight and from sun burn.

We believe the best route to top up your Vitamin D levels is through supplements. There are generally no side effects to taking Vitamin D supplements, though if you or a relative has had a calcium related disorder, you should contact your doctor before beginning.

Time For Change

At scotsneedvitamind.com, we believe the people of Scotland would see vast health improvements by taking a regular Vitamin D supplement. We think there is enough evidence currently available to make all of us take action, from health care professionals to parents and teachers. In our practice in Edinburgh we found widespread vitamin D deficiency.  Most people needed much higher dosed supplements than the usual recommended one.London Poster for 25 April 14

Please use the information in this website, and feel free to join the discussions facebook and twitter: Your health, your children’s health and Scotland’s health could be improved with Vitamin D.